Saturday, April 11, 2015

Start and stop

The season where I live has been start and stop.  I believe I mentioned that it snowed a couple of days ago.  But today it was 60 at the Cattle Barn and the wind was only punitive in that one direction.  I am not really strong enough yet to get a l-o-n-g ways from home so the ride options continue to revolve around loops near home.  I rode the down hill into the west wind Lauderdale loop, the tour de Fairgrounds, a Como loop and then the optional through the neighborhood loops when I got near enough to home.  All in all, enough, I felt pretty good.  At about the 12 plus 1 mile mark I actually rode up on a party of 3 (2 recumbents and 1 road bike), chatted with them for a bit and then went on ahead.  Today I was faster than a middle-aged couple on recumbents and their riding partner.  It is probably important to note, of course, that they were NOT racing.  But then again neither was I.

Isn't Paris-Roubaix tomorrow?

Late last year I first discovered and then revisited with the GRider a boulevard display of exotic horticulture.  When the two of us were there we discussed how much of it could possibly be perennial and what ever did they do with the large plants which seemed like they had to be annual in this growing zone.  Today I rode past the same boulevard and got a better perspective on spring time in the exotic flora world.
Expect periodic updates.

I was over there in the neighborhood and I was mostly riding east and west to avoid that one direction where the winds were punitive.  A little bit further east I came across our local public artificial turf soccer fields in use.  See, it must be spring after all.
Careful observers will no doubt note that it is lacrosse, not futbol, on the fields today.

I have read some stuff about the bridge reconstruction but I had not actually been there myself yet this spring so after crossing Lexington I took the long way around the lake and cut back over to see what I could see.
It truly is a major reconstruction, it looks to me almost like they have kept the cement arch and virtually nothing else.

Too nice a day to stay inside and anyway I love my bicycle.

With bicycle racing starting to pop up on my radar, here is an interesting piece on former rider, Lance Armstrong.  As I believe I said at the time, I easily believe that he cheated but I forgive him.


Santini said...

"Faster than a middle aged couple on a recumbent" -- that made me smirk. Damned with faint praise is what we used to call that. Sadly, I know the feeling, occasionally losing the "non" race to the same couple. Or a fat chick on a mountain bike.

I look forward to updates on the exotic horticulture. Nice rocks, though.

I thought the bridge was further along than that. We need a warm spell to green things up.

Interesting article on Lance. It's good to see a different slant -- there's a vitriol in virtually all of the reporting about Lance that doesn't sit well with me. It's ancient history, and the damn pro bikers are still doping. And everybody knows it.

Paris-Roubaix? I hear there may be some "gravel" bikes on the cobblestones this year. Or at least some suspension froks. That would be ironic.

Jimi said...

Good article about Lance Armstrong. He's a complicated guy, but has done a lot of good in his lifetime. He probably deserves to be forgiven.