Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Hooray, hooray, the first of . . .

Still not I guess.

But I checked the BikeLog and last year on April 1 it snowed.

Today it was 80.

So that's different.  The morning newspaper reports the record for the date was 82 and it is at least possible that we got more than that today.

For example:
Everyone knew it couldn't be long before that venue appeared in this space.

It was extremely windy though, so windy that I came as close as I ever have come to being blown over by the cross wind.  It was close to the end of the ride and I was getting tired so that may have had some effect but the wind along an exposed section of Larpenteur made it impossible for me to maintain right straight ahead.

I have been out a couple of times recently, here is a couple of days ago at Lake Como.
There is still a patch of slush out there in the middle of the lake but that was gone today making the lake officially totally ice out.

I have been examining the roadways as I ride about and it looks to me like at least some of the main streets have already been swept.  I finished the installation of the new chain on NewLOOK over the weekend meaning that winter maintenance on that bicycle is complete.  With the streets starting to look clear it appears likely to me that I will be riding the summer bicycle soon enough.  Certainly today I was out riding wearing a summer costume.


TOPWLH said...

Glad you did not get blown over and nice to see the Cow Barn again.

Santini said...

Cow barn!

Only one more month and you can use your hooray line in the appropriate context.

You rode in that wind? Kudos. It showed up here today, and I won't be riding in it. Of course, it came with rain, and no 80's here.

Nice to here that the ice is out. Again, not here. But we're making progress.