Thursday, April 2, 2015

Early start continues

I keep a BikeLog so it is a snap to look stuff like this up.

Last year I got my first ride on April 9.  The log also notes about a foot of snow overnight on April 4.

This year?  Well yesterday did reach a new record high of 83.  Today the sun continued, as did the very high winds.  It wasn't 83 but something in the 60s with sunny sky is a big improvement over a foot of snow overnight.

I was up early.  Around the time that the plant opens I heard a bunch of unfamiliar noise outside.  We had this a couple of days ago as well when it turned out to be yard guys working on the two lawns behind us.  Parenthetically, to me it seems a bit early for yard work.  The deal is though that these are hired yard guys and bidness is bidness.  Today's unfamiliar noise turned out to be . . . the street sweepers.

Last year this event occurred in late April although lamentably the BikeLog doesn't note the exact day.  I can still determine approximate date by other matters that are pinpointed in the log.

For example, many can probably guess that if the streets have been swept that I now have one fewer bicycles in the basement.
Last year that bicycle didn't make it outside until April 24.

All of this means that the season is pretty much on.  And on at a much earlier date than in recent years.  Spring riding is hard but it is a teensy bit easier when the work required to ride is reduced by dint of riding a bicycle that weighs nothing, nothing at all.

The Big New Tree looks nice, I think, although both of us eagerly await the new growth.


Jimi said...

It seems like an early spring. I hope so, but I've been fooled before by faux spring. The weather gods are not predictable or even trustworthy.

Santini said...

What Jimi said.

Nice bike -- that one hasn't been seen for a while, at least that's what my memory says. Sweet wheelset, too. Bladed spokes? Pretty sure.

Long sleeves, and a base layer, must be warm. Covered knees, so not too warm. Short fingered gloves -- I could come close to predicting the temperature based on those clues.

Streets swept here, too. But it is still south of 50 degrees most days.

BDE said...

You and the bike and the BNT all look great.