Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Hat family

This is not completely unprecedented, I think I have probably put up two posts in a single day before.  But I have been cruising the comments sections and a second post for today is apparently called for.

Here is what we thought at the time was the Hat Family.
We were all, like, totally prepared for an outdoor event.

But then somewhat to the surprise of the original three another hat person arrived.  So here then, in its final iteration is the Hat Family.
The official photographer also got a shot of the four but it could be awhile before we see that.  This one was taken by another member of the family but one who did not have a hat, Emily's husband.  He was operating with my camera, a camera he is not familiar with.  Fortunately on full automatic that camera is basically a point and shoot and he got excellent results.


Mrs Smith said...

The Hat Family! Yay. I am impressed at how quickly GZ responded to my comment on Santini's post.

We were perfectly dressed for an outdoor wedding on a sunny day and I love both the pictures.

Maybe next we should go to the Kentucky Derby?

Santini said...

Yay for amateur photographers! Excellent results, indeed.

OSLO said...

Love those pictures. The hat family looked good and yay for Emily's husband Andy. Now I wish I had found time for a hat. It was good to spend time with all.


Emily M said...

Excellent photos of the hat family! We were prepared.

Jimi said...

Very nice and tres stylish.

An outdoor wedding would have been nice, but inside was ok, too.