Saturday, July 19, 2014

Love Street

The Doors third album includes a song titled "Love Street".  Go ahead, right click and let it play in the background.

It was always Orlando Pete's favorite tune.  He had a 45 (anyone remember 45s?) and a record player that when the control arm was left up would automatically repeat whatever platter (like that one?) was on the turntable.  He would put the song on, leave the arm up and automatically repeat.  We heard this song a lot.  Like A LOT.

One of the verses goes like this:

I see you live on Love Street
There's a store where the creatures meet
I wonder what they do in there
Summer Sunday and a year
I guess I like it fine, so far.

So today I rode deep into the working portion of the farm campus.  By working portion I mean the part completely removed from the classroom buildings,  By working portion I mean the part given over to barns, greenhouses, labs and the like.  I have ridden to this part of the campus before a couple of times but not very often.

I came across this:
First, it mostly reminds me of the anti-rocket bunkers from 1970 and 1971 at Cam Ranh Bay, Republic of Vietnam.  Those were typically large culverts like this (although not quite this large), surrounded by heavy timber supports and then the whole thing buried in sand and sand bags.  This looks like a not so much underground but more like an earth covered "green" installation of some sort.

As I rode up to it all I could think of was, "I wonder what they do in there?" and Orlando Pete's favorite tune started playing in my head.

I stopped in front of one of the culverts and it turns out that what they do in there is something involving "Specific Non-Pathogenic Poultry".
I am fascinated by that description and by the fact there is no admittance.  I wonder what that means.

Mostly I find myself still wondering what they do in there.

There's a store where the creatures meet.


Santini said...

Not even Google knows, at least not in a language I understand.

You do ride to interesting places. This one is spooky.

BDE said...

Great post and I did listen to the song as directed. It ended just as I finished reading the post. Cool.

Jimi said...

Poultry that is free of specific pathogens?

That looks like a bomb shelter. I bet there are chickens inside. Chickens and maybe turkeys that are not going to see the inside of Popeyes' any time soon. Laboratory poultry.

Or maybe I'm just blowing smoke.