Sunday, July 20, 2014

July selfie

I did ride today.  In fact I rode in the middle of the day.  Conditions were pretty near the boundary for what a fellow of my age should ride in.  It was 85 or so which is too many but on the other hand the humidity was not particularly punitive.  It seemed necessary to ride today because the authorities have issued a "heat warning" for tomorrow.  The temperature is expected to be a bit higher and that ugly humidity is also expected to arrive.

A mad dogs and Englishmen day.

At least tomorrow is a rest day so perhaps I can get out in the AM before all of that occurs.  The worry is that the conditions that produce too hot and humid very often also produce thunder boomers.

At least for now everyone is home, safe.

It is always a little strange riding in conditions like today.  Riding into the wind is too hard but it produces evaporative cooling.  Switch around to down wind and the riding is easy but without the wind evaporating my sweat pretty soon my body temperature eases up into the area of too warm.

So I was most of the time uncomfortable in one way or another and never felt much like taking a picture.

I rode over to the Dinkytown Greenway river bridge crossing and explored a bit on the far side of the river.  That thing dumps you out pretty much at what we long ago referred to as 7 Corners.  It's hard to find anywhere to go on the streets from there but there are trails leading off in a couple of directions so more exploration is called for.  It looks like it would be really easy to go downtown.

I swung around Lake Como on the way home.
I think the absence of a clear blue sky color might indicate that it was too hot, trending towards hazy.

I am not much of a selfie guy but I got one today after I got home.

I was hoping for a better rendition of the lines on my wrist.  My hand being turned upwards when my hands are on the bars means that there is a crease where the sun doesn't shine.  You can sorta see that but now that I see the photo I like the other lines better.
Opaque terry cloth piece over the thumb (we all know what that is for) and an opaque edge piece at the top of the glove and then mesh over most of the back of the hand.

Tan lines.

You should see the ones on my thighs.


Santini said...

The hot humid days are the real down side of summer, to me at least. It hasn't hit here yet, probably tomorrow.

Be careful out there.

Neither Mad nor English said...

I forgot to ask. Mad dog? Or Englishman?

TOPWLH said...

Plus, is a picture of one's hand really a selfie? If so, it's the first I've seen. Creative.