Sunday, August 26, 2012

Avoiding the Fair

I rode on Friday but didn't blog about it. I rode shortly past noon when it was TOO HOT. It didn't seem that bad while I was out (miracle of evaporative cooling) but when I finished I had no recourse except to admit that I was used up.

I took some pictures that didn't get posted so I will throw them up here today, maintaining a chronological order. It is easier for me to keep track that way.

Here's a sign I never expected to see, over near the under construction light rail on University.
University used to be two lanes and a shoulder. Now it is barely two lanes although it does now have train tracks. I guess the traffic control people felt compelled to say that bicycles can still ride there.

I dunno, you'd have to be braver than I am to try to convince an aggressive SUV that a bicycle may use a full lane, particularly when one of the two lanes is closed.

I got all the way over to the Falls again.  A couple of things, the sun angle has changed enough now that the ride I used to take because it was mostly in shade is now mostly in sunlight.

The other thing is that at long last the water level in the creek and over the Falls is starting to look more like August than April.
But it is August and summer will soon be over. Someone should tell this tree, however, that it isn't quite over yet.
I ride enough to know where the trees that surrender early are. That's one of the first to go.

It is right across the street.

Today's ride took us north again as that Fair thing is in full swing. I understand that Kiss and Motley Crue will perform on Wednesday night. I doubt not that I will be able to hear just fine from my yard. The problem is Kiss and Motley Crue is probably going to have much more interesting visuals than the sounds. Not only will the bands be a spectacle, I am betting that a good portion of the crowd will appear in somewhat out of the State Fair ordinary costume.

Over and under on people in Kiss make-up: 15 percent of the crowd.

We got out to Vadnais. There is going to be a major repavement project out there this fall, I hear. I suspect this snake like boom deal is being stored in this parking lot for use when the construction begins.
It looks a tiny bit threatening in a movie special effects sort of way just sitting there.

There's a new bench in town.
The new sidewalk on Fairview went in mostly last fall but there was some additional construction over there this month including this "trail amenity".

The corn looks ready for harvest.

1 comment:

Retired Professor said...

Those rubber hose things are scarey.

I expected to see something about a donated tire in your post today, too. A blue one?

If the fair is here, summer's over. The corn apparently knows it.

Nice bench.