Wednesday, August 8, 2012

50 percent chance

A couple of days ago I complained about riding 3 miles in a light rain.  Today after watching weather radar most of the morning, I had lunch and then announced to TOPWLH that I was going to get dressed and just pretend that I was going for a bicycle ride.

I got dressed but soon faced the necessity of giving it all up or actually going out the door.  I told her I might be back in, oh, two minutes.

I rode zero miles in light rain but two hours in 50 per cent chance.  It was actually fairly pleasant about 25 per cent of the time.

I wanted to get this published as I anticipate many opportunities to compare our local dune grass to the grasses at someplace that actually has sand dunes.
This just heading out stand is near the shores of Lake Owasso.

I knew something was wrong when I rode past the Fairgrounds the other day.  I don't remember it closing this much before the Fair actually begins in the past.
Completely off limits for an entire month.

Which is the reason why I couldn't get a better angle on this never previously seen (by me) cow sculpture.  It was (can you tell?) inside the fence.
So there will be no reports until after Labor Day about temperatures at the Cattle Barn.  At times today it was genuinely cool, still too early to think autumn but definitely not hot, steamy middle of July weather.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Extra credit points for the correct usage of the term "heading out."

The cow looks pretty safe in its barbed wire enclosure.