Monday, August 6, 2012

Advantages of not being employed

I tried an afternoon ride today for the first time in over a week. It was hot again but only in the temperature. The killer humidity receded and all it was was hot.

Even so staying in the shade seemed like a good idea and my personal favorite route for staying in the shade involves riding over to the Falls.
The water is EXTREMELY high for August, almost spring-like in its flow.

What we learned today at the Falls is that I am a sucker for a video with running water as a soundtrack.
I took two videos. One had the M family as a soundtrack exhorting the youngest members of family to say "cheese". I deleted that one and waited around for a couple of minutes and got this one. This one is better.

Anyone who didn't get a chance to see the women's soccer today missed out on something special.


TOPWLH said...

Very soothing video of the falls. Sorry I missed the ride.

Santini said...

We're calling them the M family now? Its hard to keep up sometimes.

I'm a fan of water sounds, myself.

Video quality has improved greatly over time.

Emily M said...

That particular location always has a large contingent of the M Family, in my experience. Lovely video though.