Saturday, November 15, 2008


One more time this fraction is NOT a bicycle mileage milestone.

It has been wet nearly every available day since November 1 or so. But the leaf pick-up crew is coming Monday so a start had to be made. This is probably one-third of our leaves. These are what had accumulated on the deck and what we got up in a pretty cursory first pass over most of the front yard.The back yard hasn't even been touched. The back yard is where the trees are. The back yard is where most of the leaves are.

Raking is not a recommended activity for a guy with a tender back. I helped a little but TOPWLH did most of the work. That's our neighbor in the background getting a start on his own leaf program.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be over tomorrow to help, I promise! The pile does look kind of sadly small...