Friday, November 7, 2008


I got the newspaper off the front steps at about 6:15. It had rained overnight and the falling temperatures as dawn approached produced a change in the form of precipitation. A light snow was beginning to fall.

This is about 7am, our deck.I have been fighting a cold and I hadn't been out of the house since last Friday except for voting. Today I had to go out for a previously scheduled medical check-up with my alternative provider, the Veterans' Affairs Medical Center. It was very obvious that I had not been out when the first thing I had to do after starting my car was to switch the clock to standard time.

It was all OKey dOKey at the VA and I was on my way home by a bit after 9. The VA is a place I only get to once a year. I keep exploring alternative routes to get home, so far with pretty unremarkable results. Today I ended up, as I usually do, driving semi-aimlessly through town.

I found myself on Cleveland returning towards Roseville, instead of the expected Snelling. I was driving past the farm campus and decided to visit my friends.The gas gauge light had come on during my trip and the price of gas at the stations I was passing were too unbelievable to pass up. I stopped at the corner of Larpenteur and Snelling. I freely admit that this is a sign I never expected to see again.The snow was gone by shortly past noon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of the cows on the snow covered lawn. A good angle. I almost posted a photo of $2.06 gas at the PSPS today. You win. Feel better soon. I'm amazed at how long it takes me to get my energy back after a cold -- GOINFS?