Sunday, October 7, 2007

Twin Cities Marathon

I did manage to get in a short ride yesteday after the overnight rains. I had to keep it short as hockey was once again on the schedule. It was an exciting game, Minnesota 4, Boston University 2.

Today I wanted to get out early to visit the Twin Cities Marathon. The foot race infringes on part of my regular southern route and I like to visit it the day that it does.

The wind cooperated, being out of the south. It wasn't a good day for running 26 miles. We have ridden over to the marathon a couple of times when it was crisp, once when it was frosty but today it was hot and humid.

Here is the Babe at the 20 mile mark. The organizers inflate that arch over the course, provide a running time clock, and also provide entertainment for the spectators. As you can see we were there shortly before the 3 hour mark. Those runners going past at about this time can look forward to nearly another hour of running. Many of the runners already looked quite distressed. The Babe looked good.We dodged around the course a bit, eventually crossing it twice and riding along getting an occasional glimpse. We had detoured over to Saint Clair to get across Snelling and were on our way back to Summit, the race course, about 14 miles into the ride when it suddenly became apparent that we were too far from home. The sky darkened and a freshening breeze felt completely like rain.

So we made a break for it, cutting through some neighborhoods where the Babe has never ridden before. As for me, there are no such neighborhoods anywhere within 15 miles of where I live so I knew exactly where I was going. The direct route got us home in 6 miles instead of the 14 more the Babe was anticipating.

The rain hasn't come yet so perhaps the panic was not called for. Perhaps, but being closer to home when the clouds roll in is still a good thing.

Anyway, in the rush for home it occurred to me that it was a bicycle brand jersey day and although we had a Babe picture at the marathon, my presence at the race would have to be assumed.We did get a picture of me standing in my driveway, however. Leaf piles for effect.


Anonymous said...

It looks hot and sticky -- odd weather for this time of year. Nice how your jersey sort of matches the tree behind you. TJ was much more impressed with the leaf pile in your post from yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Those marathoners are amazing. 26 miles in just over 2 hours means an average speed of 12 miles an hour. That's a better average speed than most of my bike rides, and longer, too.

It was too hot to run four hours. But I don't think anybody died in the race. TT

Anonymous said...

TT -- a guy from Midland Michigan died in the race in Chicago yesterday. 35 years old. SS