Tuesday, October 23, 2007


As recently as last Tuesday I may have said aloud that I was having doubts about my ability to reach my mileage goal for the year. It seemed to rain every day.

The best antidote to such gloom is the opportunity to ride. The weather has cooperated and I rode my bike again today. Five days in a row on my bike and 102 miles later I now am restored to confidence. Heck, I am starting to feel like there might still be time this fall for another 3 or 400 miles. Who knows? Anything suddenly seems possible.

This is what I was doing at approximately sunset today. This picture is again on Roselawn, this time at the Falcon Heights Community Center. The trees and the radio tower are on the University golf course. Again I am about a mile from home, all on side streets.Also at this time I was composing a newspaper headline in my head to amuse TOPWLH. When I got home I repeated it to her, complete with punctuation and she was amused. Ask her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a lot of miles in 5 days this late in the season. Hope returns. Weekends from now until Thanksgiving alone -- you should be good. (Excellent sunset photo.)