Sunday, October 21, 2007

Today's numbers in the 50s

Yesterday was a nice day. Today? Not so much.

The numbers today were in the 50s. Temperature 52, probability of precipitation 59 percent. Oh, and 18, as in miles per hour out of the NNW. So a bike ride looked like it might be a stretch.

It rained a tiny bit this morning making the driveway wet. But by noon the roads looked dry. The sky had improved greatly to only very dark and ominous. I set out, into the wind, hoping to get in a few miles by circling near home to avoid getting drenched.

But it hasn't rained any more. As I rode I gave it some thought and decided that the probability was actually fulfilled. The actuality of rain today is 100 percent, that bit this morning. So not getting any additional doesn't really make the forecaster incorrect.

I never rode in any light conditions conducive to photography. But I did get this shot at the corner of Gordon and Ludlow. That's an oak in the foreground and some maples further down the street along Langford Park.Ludlow has appeared previously. It is a one block long street and the house at the end is 1 Ludlow. I hope everyone who is interested has heard the story by now. For those who have not, as noted previously, try to get us both in the same room together as there are certainly details known or remembered by only one of us. It is a good story.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Three days in a row that were dry enough to ride... and included the weekend. That should boost your spirits. (There appears to be more than one 1 Ludow story.)