Obviously I meant Arden Hills. Hazelnut Park is in Arden Hills. On New Brighton Boulevard, but in Arden Hills. We did play in New Brighton that year but it was a weekend tournament. The cities represented in our league were Roseville, Arden Hills and Shoreview. We played at least one game in Shoreview in addition to the Arden Hills games.
And this is Oasis Park in Roseville.
This is also where Leah had a bad run of outfield while Tiffany was batting in batting practice. Usually in batting practice there wasn't a heck of a lot to do. Shag the occasional ball that comes to you but mostly just stand around and contemplate. Leah got caught in the outfield several practices in a row when Tiffany was taking hits though and that always involved chasing down a plethora of long balls.
This is also where the star of yesterday's post had one of her most ignominious moments. When she was a fifth grader we had an actress on the team. The actress was at that time appearing in a Children's Theatre Company production of Alice in Wonderland as . . . Alice, who else? Yesterday's star was playing catch with Alice and somehow or other Alice ended up with a black eye. Ask her, she can tell you about it.
Fishing opener this weekend in Minnesota. I rode out to Lake Vadnais and the road was parked nearly completely full with cars. There were more people there than I have ever seen there before, happily fishing and kibitzing away.
The news of today's ride is that once again I dressed for yesterday. I went with base layer, sleeved jersey and arm warmers. It was fine at the beginning but about half way through I had to pull the arm warmers down. But then, the last few miles before reaching home had the return of the cloud cover and I had to pull the armers back up. So my choice of clothing was vindicated in the end.
Squirrels are vermin.
Thanks for the heads up on the Giro. I may need to get a Liquigas jersey -- such a great name for a team. Looks like a great day for a ride.
Squirrels are just rats with bushier tails. Or something like that.
I like the softball theme. What's next? Going to ride all the way out to Oakdale? :)
I'd like to hear the story about Alice's black eye. Will it be showing up on the Wireless blog?
Squirrel are vermin.
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