Monday, May 21, 2007

Auckland rule

Today was another day of strong winds from the south. I felt a bit tired and really not in the mood to battle the wind. But I invoked the Auckland rule. The Auckland rule as propogated by the only person I know who has biked in Auckland is that if you don't ride in the wind you don't ride. I do claim to ride, ergo, I have to sometimes suck it up and go out and ride into yet another 20mph headwind.

But as usual, when I finished I was glad I had gone. It was hard work and yet I feel considerably less tired than I did before heading out.

After my comment the other day about rarely riding in Minneapolis I consulted a map to see just exactly where the boundary between the cities is in that little corner I ride through on my way to the river. So I turned on Frontenac instead of riding Saint Anthony all the way down to River Road and headed into a neighborhood where I have never been before. There's a street called Curfew and one called Desnoyer and another called Emerald. There are the backsides to the big River Road mansions and little stucco houses across the street. There are a couple of dead end streets, at least one of which I am pretty sure deadends at the city line. And eventually there is a street that leads back out to River Road.I was able to approach this sign from the Saint Paul side and while I have not yet confirmed my thesis by examining the map again, I think I did not ride even a single pedal turn in Minneapolis.

I have added a link to Les Bobos by the French entertainer Renaud as interpreted by the Paris blogger King Negrito. It comes complete with subtitles for all of us who are French impaired. I like it anyway. Les Bobos, Les Bobos, Les Bobos. Je suis aussi un bobo. I also include, for perspective, a link to what looks to me like the official artist video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the Auckland rule. It looks like I'll have to invoke it myself today. Sounds like a nice ride.