Friday, July 1, 2016

Guest appears

My miles have been way down this season but even so I was quite a bit up on the GRider.  That is until today when she made her inaugural outing of the season.

Better late than never.

She hadn't seen anything and her range was not going to be great so we stayed fairly close to home.  There are a bunch more things blooming in our favorite local rain garden.
Still no cardinal flowers.

There was no parking on one side of the street over near Como Park due to a giant festival there this weekend.  With no cars parked in front of it we got a good look at the exotic flora boulevard.
Como is the only lake near enough for a first ride of the season.
Corn report, about eye high by the Fourth of the July.
She done good actually, 14 miles on her first time out.

I dropped her off and rode some more and came across another instance of storm damage.
Hooray, hooray, the first of July.
Outdoor bicycling started today (for one of us).

1 comment:

TOPWLH said...

Very nice post but I must correct one thing: I rode 16 miles during this first outing. Which I really enjoyed! The corn was about the same height as last year. (I know this due to FB's annoying practice of sending us pictures of former on-this-date events.)