Monday, July 18, 2016

Still flooded

I had taken the picture and we were just taking a short break looking at the light at the end of the tunnel.  A young person on a skateboard came down the paved trail from our right.  Yes, skateboard.  It IS a multi-use trail.

"Still flooded", is what he said.
If you examine the photo you can identify that another cyclist was having the same problem on the other end of the tunnel that we were having on ours.

Except she had a plan.  Shortly she also came down the paved trail from our right.  She stopped and described for us how there was a dirt path on the other side that was easily navigable.

Well, that wasn't really our plan as we had pretty much reached the outer edge of the GRider's range.  I knew that the tunnel was flooded, I have been there a couple of times earlier this year.  This spot was always planned as the turn around point and that is what we did.

We turned around and rode on home.

494 miles in the last 31 days, at long last fairly respectable.


Santini said...

I do like "light at the end of the tunnel" photos. That's a good one.

I hear you're under a heat advisory where you live -- it's not due here until Wednesday. So be careful out there, both of you.

Nice mileage streak.

TOPWLH said...

Cool photo. Nice ride.