Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A new distraction

Well, actually just a variation on an old one.

Pictured is the DNR building at the Fairgrounds.  I ride through there a couple of times a week, so frequently that I have a nod and wave relationship with the State Fair Police day shift patrolman.  We see each other so often that apparently we have become pals.  I ride there all of the time and there is never anyone parked there.
Right before the Fair starts there might be one or two cars there as DNR folks start to prepare the building exhibits for the big show.  But never this many.  Close examination of the photo should reveal three groups of people, about 7 individuals in all.  Before I left the scene two more cars arrived and three more individuals came wandering down the street (also one car left).

What's going on?

New video game that you can play on your smart phone.

So the cars that arrive were all driven, slowly at least, but still clearly in motion by game players who were staring at their phones while maneuvering to park.  I rode away, safe for the moment.  But clearly you are not going to be able to avoid these people completely.

Storm damage.  This one is not from the storm last week, it is from the one at the end of June.  This one was damaged then, the big tree down last week which resulted in blue tarp instead of roof is only 4 or 5 houses down the street.
It looks like the combination of events convinced the home owners to remove a giant from the neighborhood.

That guy in the foreground was a foreman or something.  He walked past me and told me there was a $5 admission charge.  I said I would gladly pay it because it looked to me like the show was going to be worth at least that much.
And it was.


Unknown said...

I think it is illegal to play a video game while driving! Excellent storm damage update.

Santini said...

Our niece Nicole has a story on her FB page about one of her library patrons who was riding his bicycle while searching for a Pokemon creature, and got to meet some nice first responders. I believe the game has a safety feature that turns it off if you're going over 20 mph.

Your area has been hit by a lot of storms lately.