Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Birthday bike ride

Any questions whatsoever about whether it is summer yet were resoundingly answered today.  Still officially only 89 as I post but without doubt plenty hot.

The absolutely most direct shortest route from our house also gets you to this place in slightly less than 10 miles.
Aside from the fact that we were out at a time when only mad dogs and Englishmen should have been out we picked a good day to ride to the Falls.  It was reminiscent of Flo-Rida in that it was a day rare enough at this stage of our lives when we could feel quite a bit younger than the crowd.
They arrived on a bus and left shortly after I obtained this picture.

Very observant viewers might also note that after obtaining photo 1 the GRider and I ceded the main viewing and photo taking area in front of the Falls to that crowd of geezers and moved ourselves over into the shade.

Later on we also moved into the shade on the ride home to document the excessive heat at the Cattle Barn.
There is some sort of horse show going on over there this week.

Happy Birthday to TCWUTH.


Santini said...

Too dang hot, although Mrs. Smith looks like she's handling it well.

The falls is pretty, as always. It was a good idea to get those old people back onto that air conditioned bus straight away.

Jimi said...

The falls looks to have plenty of water this year. I think well soon be enjoying a bumper crop of mosquitoes.

A day for mad dogs and Englishmen.