Sunday, May 3, 2015

Spring weather

When it gets too warm too early something has to happen.  We had another quite a bit above average temperature day today.  I went out and rode around and my major observance was that most of the time it was too hot.

I did get another entrant in the garden category though.
There are some grains growing in the fields behind the rodent but the area known as Goldy's Garden hasn't even been tilled yet.  No planting.

But too hot in spring leads to unsettled weather.

I wish to report that standing in your living room while fairly large ice bits slam into your front window is unpleasant.
That's the back, of course.  It was a tiny bit less unsettled back there as the deck was mostly on the lee side of the house.  That's why the ice bits were smashing into the front window, the windward side.
It didn't last long and I am just a tiny bit disappointed to also report that the power resolutely stayed on throughout the pelting.  The BigNewTree also seemed pretty unfazed.


Mrs. Smith said...

Excellent juxtaposition of photos. I also found the ice pellets slamming into the front window unpleasant. Great photo of the BNT, especially knowing it came though unscathed.

Santini said...

It's not easy to photograph wind, but that last photo does it pretty well.

Sorry about the power. It'll go out at some point, probably.

Emily M said...

We did not get any hail at my house, but we certainly did get that wind. Excellent photo of the BNT.