Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Guest Rider in the sky

Right click on the link and open in another tab.  And then imagine that every time Johnny Cash intones "Ghost Rider" what he is ACTUALLY singing is "Guest Rider".

Today was the season debut of the GRider.  Her bicycle fitness level can best be described as not yet adequate.  But she was out there and we had a nice ride.

I took her around the nearby areas where construction of various kinds has changed the landscape since the last time she was out.  That includes demolition of the burned out house in Lauderdale, about three major construction projects at the Fair (68 at the Cattle Barn) and the MAJOR new construction to a private charter school being backed by public bonds.  We made a turn back point at the top of the new bicycle/POF bridge over the railroad tracks on Lexington.
For me it was three days in a row with a ride for the first time since May 23, 24, 25, putting me on pace to match the longest stretch so far this year of four days in a row (May 5, 6, 7, 8).  We had a nice time even though after 800 miles of solo riding it seemed a little odd to have to be shouting responses to her questions back over my shoulder.  I can get used to that.

Yippee-yi-yoh, yippee-yi-yay, Guest Rider in the sky.


Santini said...

I always like a good railroad track view.

She picks up bicycling fitness quickly, if I recall correctly.

Guest Rider said...

Johnny Cash! I love his voice and it was fun imagining Guest Rider in place of Ghost Rider. You are funny. It was wonderful being out on my bike again.

Santini said...

I do like the Johnny Cash version, but I've always associated Ghost Riders with Frankie Laine. Great old song.