Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bilin’ down me repoort

TCWUTH reports that she got in some bicycling yesterday morning, and good on her I say.  During the time of day when I like to ride we were doused again.  It was nice in the morning and nice again in the evening but land of Goshen it poured hard mid-afternoon.

Land of Goshen, good one, eh?

I am pretty sure this isn't good for the corn, a view of the corn field after the rain stopped.
Stupid ducky, I wanted him to hold his head up and pose.  I even walked over toward him thinking he might alert to my presence and take a look.  But, no, urban ducks aren't much impressed by humans.

I got this one before it rained, your yard could look like this too if you had a giant cottonwood tree next to the garage.
 TOPWLH and I were trying to remember how all of this stuff disappears and where it goes.  We couldn't come up with anything other than we know that the stuff that appeared last year isn't here anymore, that's all new stuff.

And this one I actually took today while riding my bicycle.
The UV index was extremely high so I was looking as much as possible for places to ride in the shade.  It's pretty in there. But the truth is that yesterday I was off again, today on again.  Tomorrow?  Gone again?

Technology note, once again today three different cameras were used to produce the images seen in this post.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Goshen: Region of Egypt which the Israelites inhabited during their sojourn in that country. It is described as situated on the eastern frontier of Lower Egypt, forming an outpost of it, apparently not at all (or scantily) inhabited by Egyptians. But, in the estimation of shepherds, evidently "the best of the land" since Pharaoh's cattle grazed there.

I need to bile that down some, I guess.