Sunday, June 24, 2012

Old cars in town

The old cars are in town this weekend.
Maybe its just me but it sure feels like there is less hullabaloo this time around.

It is probably related to the fact that owning and celebrating an old car is a celebration of disposable income. And I guess we all know what the recent trends in disposable income are for most of the population.

I saw far fewer cars and many of the cars featured signs advertising that they were for sale.

So it goes.

Meanwhile at least one car is leaving town with less window glass than it arrived with.
It has been a long time coming, it seems to me, but the first instance of car break in has occurred at the lower Sucker Lake parking lot.

It was a pretty nice day.

1 comment:

Emily M said...

I definitely didn't see as many cars just sort of tooling around town as you usually do during Back to the 50s weekend. Andy and I even commented that it must have been some other classic car event, since we only saw a few.