Sunday, May 13, 2012


OK, so everyone knew we were going to Paris some time this year, right? We have arrived in Paris.

OK, well actually we have arrived not so much IN Paris as AT Paris.
We are at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. Even the vaguely knowledgeable observers will know that it is impossible to get that angle on the Eiffel Tower and the Arc d'Triomphe when you are actually in France.

The fellow checking us in at security at the Minneapolis airport informed us that there is a new restriction in that you are allowed to bankrupt only ONE casino per trip to Las Vegas.

Probably not going to be a problem although the Guest Rider is up a couple of bucks. I haven't been able, as of yet, to actually get my hand into my pocket to pull out a dollar while in the presence of those willing to accept that dollar as a wager in a game of chance.

I will have a couple more days to see if I can overcome my reluctance.

Did anyone else happen to watch Man City v. Queen's Park Rangers this morning? It was epic.


Lazerquest said...

Were you on the Gateway Trail this morning? Or do you just have a very convincing doppelganger in St. Paul these days?

Santini said...

Bon chance!

Emily M said...

I think $5 on 17 is the way to go. :-) Or maybe it was $10?

Have fun!