Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Decorative . . . cabbage?

Yesterday was summer, today was not.

It was mostly gloomy all day but precipitation was never seriously likely. What WAS seriously likely was a blowing and gusting west wind. It was mostly straight out of the west though so I tackled the problem by trying to ride only north and south. This is, of course, not completely possible, particularly when you live, as I do, on a cul-de-sac on an east-west street.

But what I could do was try to ride all of the westerly legs on a downhill. This requires some intricate planning as well as a complete and detailed knowledge of the local topography. I ride lots and lots of miles with virtually every ride beginning in my garage. I know every detail of the near by topography.

So west off Fairview down to Lauderdale, south all the way to and across University, back north with a Fairgrounds loop (the westerly portion of which can be ridden on a downhill), over to Hamline. I spotted this decorative planting on my ride through the Fairgrounds (EG: NA, CB:60 AOWG: 66):
I recognize the yellow flower centerpiece but is that really cabbage?

Never farther east than Hamline, north to the intersection with Snelling. There's a westerly leg in there that involves a downhill on Terrace. Back with a detour over the where County Road C2 was until very recently a dead end from both directions with 20 or 30 feet of grass and brush separating the two. The new housing development over there is coming along nicely and the street now goes through.
The house there on the right with the real estate sold sign was the last house on the left of the old off Lexington cul-de-sac.  Apparently they didn't want to live on a through street.

OK, I got caught there and had to ride some into the wind and then when I got close to home I had to do some into the wind but I felt so strong on the easterly legs that I still compiled a fairly good time.

If you noticed the Fairgrounds temperatures and can do the conversion you know that today's high was less than 20C. Sleeves and a light jacket returned to the costume. Yesterday was summer, today was not.


Santini said...

Google image 'cabbage flower.' Maybe.

Downhills into the wind are one of the best tricks available for windy days. It also helps to know which streets have trees and shelter instead of fields and open areas. Windy days are not for amateurs.

TOPWLH said...

I did as Santini suggested and found many beautiful varieties of cabbage flower plants. Who knew?