Monday, April 30, 2012


Some days you just don't feel like doing it. For whatever reason, the grey sky, the damp street, the chill in the air, for whatever reason when lunch time arrived I felt no motivation to ride. It wasn't that I was tired, it just didn't feel like a ride day.

But I did it anyway and is almost always the case, I am extremely happy that I did. The predicted 70 degree temperature never materialized but about 15 miles into the ride the sun did come out and it was from that point on clearly way too nice a day to not be riding. I concluded the month with a nice long ride.

Here's one of life's eternals, springtime on campus.
The big Horse Expo is over. I was a bit surprised at first to find no signs of the rent a fence. They had a pretty large area fenced off, it didn't seem possible that the whole thing had already been dismantled and carted away.

Eventually I did find, down by the midway entrance area a tiny remnant of a fence along with a nearly loaded truck, two workers and a battery powered screw driver. A few minutes later though, and I would have missed it.

Here's what the new arena in the place where the old wooden quonset arena/barn stood looks like.
Ag-Star Financial with the naming rights, I guess that's just a sign of modern times.

I noticed on Paris Daily Photo that bakeries is the theme for tomorrow. Too bad I didn't know earlier as I went to the bakery today. I do suspect that I have a couple of boulangerie photos that I could recycle though.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Misty rain here today.

Bakeries? Patisserie or boulangerie?