Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Mr. Don Key is here to see you.

It has been dreary and coolish the past couple of days but today the sun came out. Guess what, it was still just a tad coolish for bicycling. Riding today required a couple of layers.

This is the first trip of the season to see if this artwork is still present on the Farm campus lawn.I couldn't decide which view I liked better so I decided to post them both. I think the first one is a better photograph from a technical viewpoint but the next one provides the highly satisfactory view of all of the cows and the bicycle.

LOOK at the cows.This is the best clown photo I was able to get. Actually, it is the ONLY clown photo I was able to get.It isn't very good of the clown but it does have the virtue of having a Shriner in frame.


Retired Professor said...

Donkey rustling is common on Palm Sunday. Or so I hear.

Santini said...

The first photo has those nice white blossoms on the bushes in the background. The second is a better picture of LOOK. And all three COWS.

Emily M said...

Cows! I'll have to make my way over there soon.