Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Less heat, less wind

Way less heat, temperatures only rose into the 60s.

Way less wind, a light mostly westerly wind.

Result? Way less fatigue.

I was mostly just riding around but I was JRA with intent. I wanted to get a picture of my bicycle with the big metal cows.There were a couple of students sitting on a bench just off frame while I was setting up the shot. They looked at me quizzically but didn't call security or anything. I suspect they saw way more bizarre things at the party they went to after the football game last Saturday.

Or maybe not.

The Fairgrounds is clearing quite rapidly. The Midway is completely torn down with only one of the smaller rides still present on site (but packed up on its trailer for travel). The Pronto Pup stands are all identical trailers, they come and go all together on the same day each time. Today they are all gone. The big yellow slide has been washed down but the slide inhibitors haven't been installed yet. The Sky Ride looks to be completely mothballed. The giant Harley Davidson tent is still present as well as a couple of the other big tents over on that part of the grounds.

The information signs on the Grandstand haven't been turned back on yet. They continue to display the generic welcome to the Fair sign. Those ticket booths are usually one of the last things to go.I am able to report that it was 61 today at the cattle barn.

1 comment:

Santini said...


Wish you were here.