Monday, September 28, 2009

A fan video

There won't be any bicycle ride here today. It is cold and tres windy.

This gives me even more time than usual to root around on the internet and today I found on the French language site a fan video of the FC Nantes goal. Here it is:

As reported by PresseOcean:

"Huit secondes pour l'éternité

Deux passes, une frappe, une bévue et un but, le tout en 8 secondes. Et voilà Mareval entré dans la légende."

Eight seconds for eternity.
Two passes, one kick, one mistake and one goal, all in 8 seconds. And voila, Mareval goes down in history.

Here is a link to the more mainstream video taken from the television broadcast of the game. Incredible indeed.

AFTERNOON EDIT: What do you know about that? A copyright claim of all things. Well, personally I support free enterprise and if the person who took that video is trying to reap financial benefit from copyright and sale of rights to the video I support him (when and if you see the video you will agree that it is probably a "he", and quite possibly a fairly drunken "he" at that). TOPWLH and I have seen the video, it is way more fun than the TV view. I will continue to scour the net to try to make a view of this goal available here.

Since I am already making an edit, here is a bit more. There won't be any bicycle ride here today because of the big wind. Here is what we have in our yard so far, a medium size branch down off the cottonwood tree.We're having some fun now, eh?

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