Sunday, August 3, 2008

Il pleut sur Roseville

No corn picture today, or this week, for that matter. And it is a shame as the corn has tasseled out. This is a significant moment, of course, when the plant converts from producing corn stalk to producing actual corn.

But TOPWLH declined to ride out into the obviously threatening morning. For a time I agreed with her and stayed inside but eventually I gave it a try. I was riding along feeling pretty cocky, thinking to myself that I could maybe get 22 miles when moisture hitting my head and leg made it suddenly obvious that the time had come to turn and sprint for home. I settled for 20 miles and got into the garage before the sprinkle became too persistent.

Interestingly enough, while I was riding TOPWLH determined that lawn mowing was possible. She finished mowing the lawn just a couple of moments before I came speeding into the cul-de-sac. I bet she is glad to have the lawn done but I bet she wishes she had gone for a ride.

I could have shown this on metal day. Go ahead, you know the drill, right click, open in a new tab. It is early Zeppelin, the band in black and white, probably about 1973.The problem with showing this on metal day would have been I am not even sure it IS metal. It is situated in front of the Cargill Building for Microbial and Plant Genomics on the farm campus. Perhaps it is theme artwork, somehow related to microbial and plant genomics.

I was trying to take a picture of this on metal day but a female student on a cell phone ignored me and refused to clear the foreground of the proposed photo. I departed unfulfilled after hearing these exact words come out of her mouth into the cell phone: "I was like, oh my god!" I could have made that up, and would, if it would improve the story. But I didn't have to make it up, she said it. I pedaled away.

On the subject of Microbial and Plant Genomics, that grass in the foreground looks vaguely experimental, it appears to be a grain but it doesn't fit into any of the identification categories that I have in my memory banks.

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