Sunday, July 20, 2008

You can hear the corn grow.

Something occurred yesterday which I do not believe has occurred since I bowed to the logic of Wireless's observation that this bicycling thing is totally bloggable. I rode but I didn't blog. It was a late morning ride that ended prematurely with the onset of sprinkles. I was always riding hard, always aware of the approaching storm and never got stopped anywhere for a photo. Further it wasn't a very interesting ride as mostly it was riding hard with an eye on the sky. A ride but no entry.

It eventually rained heavily but only quite a bit later. We are getting enough moisture of late to make for another impressive week for the corn.The weekly BB ride got underway a bit earlier than usual. It is warm enough to ride in the early morning and there was enough uncertainty about what the afternoon weather was going to be to make going early the prudent course.

We were out at Vadnais and I was saying something possibly vaguely rude to BB to which she responded with a wave or some other hand gesture. This picture catches the hand gesture before it is completely formed.I think it was a wave.

On the ride home we meandered a bit. It was such a nice morning that meandering was called for. BB said she approved of meandering but not after the horse caught a whiff of the hay in the barn.Here are the steeds at the watering hole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice corn. I have heard the corn grow on a hot summer night, and can back you up on this one.

Nice wave. It looks suspiciously like a gesture.

It is a pretty lake.