Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunset practice

It was pretty clouded up when I got home from work. I set out on a ride anyway. It was hot, not so much in temperature but the dew point and the heat index were both pretty high. I found myself thankful for the miracle of evaporative cooling.

But I also pretty much tuckered out. The last couple of miles were just pedalling along.

I decided that I would try to get a picture of the sunset as the cloud cover looked like it would provide decent structure. Also, if I am going to spend several days on the shore of Lake Michigan I need to get my sunset skills back up to snuff.

As I compose this entry sunset is still at least a half hour away. I just went out and checked and most of the structure has departed. It looks pretty clear out towards the west and the sun may be departing from today without putting on much of an end of day display.

*sigh* The best laid plans . . .

But I tried, and here is one taken from inside the house.It's not so bad, the screen gives kind of a nice effect. I think I can do better, though. I just need a deck overlooking a Great Lake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never get tired of sunset pics.

Summer riding has a unique set of problems. A high dew point is one of the hardest conditions to ride in. You can dress for cold and rain, but how do you deal with not enough oxygen in the air?