Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hot again, but not humid

It was hot again today but today the air was dry. Still, riding in this kind of heat is hard, very hard. Today was another episode of just pedalling along.

But I went farther, resuming the more or less regular ride to the north, out Hamline, around Owasso, back past County Cycles to Hamline again, looping through Roseville to home.

Just past County Cycles I also pass Roseville VFW Post 7555. There was a large crowd in the parking lot and the sign may show why. They have "HOLDM" on Wednesday and Saturday. Hold 'em is big on ESPN, it figures that it is also a draw on the local bar scene.This VFW post has a charitable gambling operation (see PULL TAB) but I will have to go inside sometime when HOLDM is underway to figure out if they somehow actually allow gambling on cards. I don't think so.

The most interesting bit of obscure Americana is the Saturday "Meat Raffel". I have attended this event and have also been to another meat raffle in Wisconsin. It doesn't sound like much but both of the times I attended it was obvious that those in attendance were having a good time. Who doesn't like gambling, especially when the prize for winning is a big piece of meat?

The gambling is charitable gambling, meaning that there has to be an official charity as beneficiary. This Post, as do many VFW Posts, sponsors youth athletics. The Roseville VFW was extremely generous in sponsoring our softball team for three years. Here is the last team:Front row, left to right: Tricia Hartman, Amy Knutson, Emily Miller, Leah Sventek, Carla Zbacnik, Mary Stepnick, Carole Bergstedt. Back row: Gene Miller, Chris McCann, Stacy Maher, Stephanie Bloxham, Erin Netzloff, Monica Stefanson, Ron Knutson. Photo by TT.

Any unbiased assessment would have to reach the conclusion that we were a handsome group. We were also a pretty good softball team.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, a meat raffle. Who doesn't like a meat raffle? I am not familiar with Hold Em, or HOLDM.

Too hot is just as bad as too cold. Both limit or prevent outdoor activities. And there is no gear I can wear that makes me comfortable at 88 degrees. SS