Monday, July 7, 2008

Referee's decision

Two items of note occurred during today's 3rd stage of le Tour de France. One was quite unexpected while the other was absolutely normal. The unexpected was, of course, a successful breakaway. Four riders got a large lead and the team of the yellow jersey showed no inclination to chase, in fact seeming at times to be deliberately impeding the chase. Eventually the teams of the sprinters took up the cause but their efforts could not reel in the group of four. As a result some completely unknown French guy leads le Tour.

The totally expected event was that il pleut sur Nantes.

Most of the day it appeared that it was also going to pleut sur Roseville. I rode out into some pretty threatening skies which led to the necessity of a referee's decision. This picture was taken midway through the ride but illustrates the state of the sky for most of the time I was out.Is this enough blue to make a Dutchman a pair of pants?

But eventually the big storm split in two with a large cell passing by to our north and another large cell slipping off to the south. The skies have cleared and it is pretty nice out right now, if a bit humid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dutchmen are larger than one might have thought when first hearing that phrase. We're saturated here, again. Or 'Il pleu ici, aussi.'