Monday, September 10, 2007

This time I really mean last

Today's weather was a slightly cooler rerun of yesterday. It rained a bit overnight and it was cool and overcast in the morning. But it cleared off again and the blue skies made it almost seem nice by mid-afternoon. The problem was it was not warm.

I rode my bicycle and when the sun started to go down the heat quickly drained out of the day. The last two or so miles on the way home I was not warm enough. I do not like being not warm enough.

And I really mean it this time when I say last. The focus isn't perfect but I am pretty sure you can still get the idea.The geese have discovered the corn. With this many geese the field will be gleaned completely bare in a day or two and then there will be absolutely zero possible reasons why there would be another picture of the corn field.

Or at least that's what I say today.


Anonymous said...

Or you could take another picture in that field of wildlife featuring Santini's favorite Beach Boys' hit, "Little Goose Poop."

I couldn't pass the opportunity for that tired old pun. TT

Anonymous said...

You caught some of them in flight, so kinda cool. I couldn't quite follow your description of yesterday's ride out to Mud Lake, so I Google mapped it. It looks like a nice ride. SS Oh, are you quite sure you're done with the corn field? How about the field with some snow on it???