Thursday, September 13, 2007

Last day in shorts?

It rained this morning but then cleared up nicely. It was plenty dry by the time I got home. It was wavering between sunny and overcast. Yes, that is possible, the sky seemed about half of each. It was windy but it seemed warm enough. I headed out in shorts but with a jacket. I thought that would be a decent compromise for the 66 degree temperature.

A front was passing through and behind it was cold. When I passed the time and temperature clock across from the A&W on Rice Street the temperature read 59. I was not warm enough. I hate being not warm enough.

I came home and laid out the tights.

TOPWLH informed me that I was FOS about the geese. She passed the corn field half an hour after me yesterday and reported hundreds of geese. She said I just had missed feeding time.

Well, I am not privy to goose feeding schedules so I suppose I could be wrong. Here's a picture taken today.So belay those stories of all the corn being gone from the field. The geese are still working on it. By the way, that's the State Fair water tower peeking over the top of the hill.


Jimi said...

That's a gaggle of geese. They should be able to clean up whatever corn is there in short order.



Anonymous said...

Great picture. I was wishing I could have taken one last night. It was quite the sight. Hundreds of geese. Cool.

Anonymous said...

TOPWLH and FOS, all in one sentence? You are the acronym god! Unlike TT, I know exactly what FOS means. (It helps that I am familiar with BB's speech patterns.) And BB is right about the photo. Crisp, clear, enough light, and geese in flight. With the water tower as backdrop. Good one. CHMP thinks next week will be back into the 80's. Short season is nearly over, but maybe not yet. SS ~ P.S. Are we done with the cornfield yet?