Thursday, October 27, 2011

More new pavement

In a normal year I get to the east side of Lake Owasso quite often. There is a street over there where I like to go fast and there is also a tester of a hill that I like. Earlier this year I discovered a road closed that would have required hiking through the dirt every time I rode that route. Further, the closure was signed in such a way that by the time I became aware of it avoiding the dirt hike would have required a fairly lengthy backtrack and a tester of a hill that I do not like. I adopted a policy of avoidance and have not been back to that route since, until today.

I have been waiting to hear that the construction project was over but have not. It probably was expecting a bit too much to have the completion of the road work reported on MSNBC (you just can't count on Dylan Ratigan in times like this). Today I felt like checking so I steeled myself for potential unpleasantness and dropped down the hill from Rice Street towards the east shore.

Nice new pavement.They have also done some clearing of trees and underbrush around that slough in the right foreground. I have in the past seen a red fox entering that area but with the new openness I suspect Brer Fox has found new haunts. I also suspect that the openness reduces potential habitat for the vermin that is common over there, the white tail.

From the same spot I got this photo of today's still plenty of foliage trees. This is one of those new fangled maples, I believe.It was too cold again today but at least the sun stayed out for almost the whole ride. There isn't any noticeable warming from the sun but at least there was good light.

Still out there riding my bicycle in a gradually declining circle of like minded individuals. I love my bike.

1 comment:

Santini said...

New pavement is fun, especially when it isn't chip and seal.

Odd that those two photos depict the same day in the same season. One looks like early fall, the other quite late.