Friday, October 21, 2011

I'll be back

I have ridden to Ridder Arena lots of times before and have even posted at least a couple of photos. However, it is a rare set of circumstances that produces a day on which I can visit Ridder twice in one day, the first on my bicycle.And the second to see a hockey game.

But today was that day. It was warmer today, close to the average, but the same brilliant crisp sunshine hung around. It is still definitely still bicycling season. What is unusual is the overlap between bicycling and hockey.

Big time college athletics requires long seasons. Women's hockey begins about October 1 and won't be done until early March. Today was actually Minnesota's 8th game of the season and their 6th home game.

Minnesota 7, Mankato State 0.

1 comment:

Santini said...

Its been nice to see the yellow bike again. Nice wheel set.

Bicycling season isn't over yet, but it could happen at just about any point from here on out. November is just around the corner.