Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A ride to a lake

Very nice day today, temperature easily into the 60s with only a very light E wind, good conditions for going to Lake Como.

I passed this house on the way.  This house and its shrubbery have been featured here many times before.  This is often the very first place I see shrubbery in bloom.
This is a very early stage of the bloom, a reminder that we are actually still quite early in the season.  That whole Hooray Hooray day is still nine days off.

I rode down past the pool and across Lexington and up to a corner of the lake for a view back towards the north and the Pavilion.
Lots of things seem pretty unlikely right now but a band concert there sometime later on this summer would be a welcome sign of movement back towards the way we used to be able to live.

There used to be a church here.
A private school purchased the old building and used it as it was for a time but that time is past.

Soon there will be a more usual kind of school building there.

On the way home I spotted this example of the way a certain number of our fellow citizens feel about social distancing.
They were playing football.

I don't know all of the details and I certainly didn't stop to ask but it is possible that there is a benign explanation.  I hope so.


Retired Professor said...

I remember that house from previous years' posts. Not much green in the lake view, either. But if you were in the 60's, then I'm envious. Good to hear you have been getting out on your bike now and then -- maybe your weather will be here in a day or two.

TOPWLH said...

Nice to see Como, it's been a while since I walked around there. Maybe tomorrow. The picture of the school being built made me sad. That was a beautiful old church.

Emily M said...

If there is a band concert, it won't be performed by my group. We rehearse in a school, which will not be open for the rest of the school year. Our percussion equipment is also still locked inside. Without a place to rehearse, and without our drums etc., we can't really put on a concert. We've cancelled everything until the fall. :(

Lovely photos from a beautiful day, except for that last one... You can't successfully distance while playing soccer.