Sunday, April 5, 2020

Tour of Flanders

Apparently the pro cycle tour rode the Tour of Flanders yesterday virtually.  They set up their bicycles on rollers with a computer attached and showed everyone a video of the course and went ahead and rode.

I won.

It was too chilly yesterday but today was low to mid-50s with a very nice sun, a fine day for a spring ride.

The wind was a bit more southerly so I tried something a bit different.  It isn't exactly a destination but I did get to Lake Como today.
There were a fair number of people in the park and at the lake, not all of whom were practicing social distancing.  But I stayed away from them all and rode home.

There is no way to accumulate any miles if you don't ride at least once in a while.

Today I rode a bit.


TOPWLH said...

I wondered what it was like around Lake Como today. It was such a spectacular blue sky and relatively warm. I walked for an hour and a half but didn't get far. Bikes are better. Great being outside, though.

Retired Professor said...

"There is no way to accumulate many miles if you don't ride at least once in a while." That explains the near emptiness of my bike log. Lake Como looks very pretty, and that's a lot of nice shadows and blue sky. This would be a nice time of year if it wasn't so cold.