Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hooray, hooray the first of . . .

Oops, two months early with that one.

I opened my bicycling log today to verify what I was already 99 percent certain was true.  My bicycle log is set up to record rides taken in March no matter how unlikely such a ride might prove to be.  Indeed I did not ride today but I did make an entry on the date when DST will begin (next Sunday) noting that event.

But what brings me here today (in addition to all of that above) is photo exaggerations.

Here is the one that most occurs to me, the very common log load exaggeration photo.
I found that one on the intertubes on a site celebrating white pine logging in Michigan in the 40s and 50s.  1840s and 1850s that is.  That two horse team was never ever going to be expected to haul that load.  The lumberjacks were just showing off for the photographer, making as large a pile of logs on the skidder as they possibly could.

Up came a schoolmarm with a big blue butt etc. etc. etc.

I insert that to preface this photo of what I put on my plate for dinner tonight.
No one eats a pound of steak.  You would bust out two of your slats and the bull of the woods would have to send you to get patched up.

It is now officially March, bicycling swings into the range of maybe, just maybe possible.  The weather prediction says otherwise, snow is expected this week.

This is all mostly okay with us, we have leftover steak and three more weeks of hockey.

Nonetheless who doesn't eagerly anticipate the first of May?


Santini said...

The first day of Spring is less than three weeks off, which must mean something?

I was up in the woods as a sky piece....

That will make good leftovers. And aren't those little potatoes nice? I fixed that same meal, except with ham the other day, right down to the mushrooms.

Mrs Smith said...

I ate more than half of my steak (smothered in sauteed mushrooms) with a bunch of beans and potatoes. I am still stuffed. Yum.