Thursday, October 9, 2014

Still counting some miles

It is being said here and there that you have to ride the miles before you can count them.

Quite true.

However, you do NOT have to blog about the ride before you can count the miles.  I counted them each of the previous two days without blogging.  And today too, although apparently I will blog about today.

Both days featured warm enough temperatures but absolutely punitive wind conditions.  I came back from the first of the two and responded to TOPWLH's query about the ride with the information that I was pretty sure I had perished.  Too hard.  Too hard.

But I DID ride some miles.  I also got some new pavement.  The Sheep/Poultry building was open and I got inside for a picture back towards the open doorway.
But that was then, today I got better conditions for riding.  It was a bit too chilly but the winds subsided to something much more manageable.  With north the main source of the wind (a north wind is a cold wind) I set out to try to go somewhere.

This is along the new all-Roseville route to Lake Vadnais.
A very pretty day, but, as noted, quite a long way towards the end of the spectrum where it will inevitably become too cold.

I wasn't even sure what these were at first but there certainly were a lot of them.
I think Lesser Scaup, on the migration route from their more northern summer habitat to a much farther south wintering ground.

I got all the way out to Highway 96, a long ways from home.  This is Sucker Lake.
I spotted vermin along the road past Lake Owasso again.  I am pretty sure these are the same two fawns that I spotted back in August when they were there with their mother.  At that time they were still sporting spotted coats.
They are still hanging out in almost the exact same spot where I spotted them in August and they still haven't learned to fear a guy on a bicycle.  Mom didn't seem to be anywhere around today.

On a related note the signs are up at Vadnais and Sucker alerting park users to areas which will be closed October 22 and some other days for the annual archery vermin cull.


Santini said...

"pretty sure I had perished." I like that one, I'll probably use it.

Nice photos of the lakes in fall, but the bench photo is my clear favorite.

I've never heard of lesser scaup.

TOPWLH said...

The bench photo is gorgeous and is my new desktop background. I am glad you did not perish.