Thursday, October 16, 2014


The GRider announced in the comments yesterday that she wanted to ride to Lake Vadnais.  Well.  It was an extremely nice day here yet again, temperatures heading towards 70, very light wind, we rode in shorts.

In shorts.  In October.

But we rode in contravention of the most fundamental bicycle weather rule.  The winds were very light, mostly east but slightly south east.  We headed north.  During the part of the trek when we were headed east we had a slight head wind, during the part of the trek when we were headed north we had the benefit of a very slight tail wind.

It seemed perfectly OK, the winds were very light.

And it WAS a beautiful day.

No swans at Lake Vadnais, those tausens and tausens of dux were there again today.
And today no swans at Sucker Lake either.  This picnic table is at the south end of the lake.
We stopped by the beaver area.  The beaver habitat has been usurped by mallards.  The big fella green head didn't really hang around when we stopped to try to get his portrait.  But he didn't actually flee either, maybe you can catch a bit of his outline as he sneaks around the corner in the center of the photo, heading away from the intruders.
If you examine those last two photos you may be able to discern a change in the weather.

Conditions were quite bright when we were at Sucker Lake.  Less than a quarter of a mile later at the beaver area it is now hazy.

And then it went for a time pretty heavily overcast.

It didn't ever feel like rain but clearly there had been a change in the dominant weather.  When the weather changes you almost always get a change in the wind direction and wind velocity.

What we got was strong winds, strong from the west and strong from the south.  We were about 10 miles north and east of home.  With strong head winds in every direction all the way home.

Punishment for ignoring the rules.

After we got home the weather changed again, the winds fell off to nothing, it ended up being really, really nice.

Which we couldn't really enjoy as much as we wanted to because we had been punished, I am knackered.  And so is she.


Mrs Smith said...

Yes, I am knackered but it was worth it to see the tausens of dux and the lakes with the beautiful blue sky. It may be the last time I get to ride to Lake Vadnais this year (being kind of a wimp about temps under 60). Life is good.

Retired Professor said...

It sounds like a great ride. Except for that last part, 10 miles into the wind to get home. (It happens less to you than to recreational riders, for what it's worth.)

The lakes are really pretty this time of year -- it's good that you've been able to get out there more this fall.