Monday, June 16, 2014

I would not have started in the conditions I finished in

It was sunny and warm here when the final whistle blew in Brazil on Germany's command performance over Portugal.  The second game was Nigeria v. Iran, I decided to go ahead and enjoy the nice weather with hopes of getting home in time to see the last half hour or so of the game.

I quickly discovered that it was muggy and a bit too windy.  The wind was mostly south so I adopted the strategy I often use when the south wind is too strong, I headed mostly west, hoping to lay down a west to east traverse that would get me to an as yet unknown spot from which I could ride mostly north and west (mostly tail wind) for enough miles to get to the mileage I wanted.

I had only been out a short time (under two miles) when I rode past this.
I decided there was an 8 year old somewhere who was in a real hurry running as fast as she could when she just busted out of her shoes, leaving this one behind like a bad dream.

Probably not though.

I rode through the Fairgrounds.  Something big is coming.  These benches go inside somewhere into storage pretty much as soon as the Fair is history.
This is the first day I have seen them out and in fact, you can see a couple of the men who were part of the crew setting up the benches.

Also note that it is still sunny out when I got this photo.

I was deep into the parallel traverse, about 11 miles into the ride when I felt a drop of water on my forehead.

Over the next mile and a half or so I felt two more.  Well, 3 drops in around 10 minutes does not constitute rain.  It does constitute sufficient reason to alter the intended route.

I bent towards home and tried as rapidly as possible to get within 2 miles of home.  Two miles is 10 minutes of riding or less, my acceptable time to be riding in the rain.  Within 2 miles of home the horse and I can make it to the barn dry enough even in the case of actual rain.

I felt I think only two more drops before completing the desired mileage but most of that last 12 miles I was quite pleased with myself for being so close to home.  The sun disappeared, overcast and significantly cooler, still a bit too windy.

But I got the miles I wanted before finding this deal right in our street in front of the house two doors down.
I should have put something down for scale but the dandelion seeds may be sufficient.

Not a big hole, but a definite on its way to being a sink hole.

I've seen all of the favorites now and I think there are four teams with a chance to win the Cup.  Germany, obviously, dominating victory over a high quality opponent.  Holland, obviously, a dominating victory over the team ranked number one in the world.  Argentina, they still have Messi.  And?  The losing team in that second day shocker, Spain, the number one ranked team in the world.

I love the World Cup.


Santini said...

I don't think those rubber shoes stay on very well. I could be wrong, I don't have a pair.

You gotta fit your miles in the best way you can.

Sink holes suck.

Jimi said...

Why not Italy? They have some fine players and a win over a pretty good England team. Although I favor Germany and the Dutch, too.

Nice win by the USA, too.

Too much rain this month. I think we must have made someone somewhere mad.

TOPWLH said...

I agree with Jimi. Too much rain (and BAD weather in general).

I will be on the look out for the sink hole.