Saturday, May 3, 2014

Something happening here

The ride went sorta OK except that . . .

I live with a freeway less than a mile to my north and another one about three miles to my west.  There are some but not many streets leading away to the south.  What this means that almost every single ride starts with a navigation towards the east to get away from the freeways and across the might as well be a freeway hugely busy arterial street over there to get out of the neighborhood and allow me to go wherever it might be that I want to go.

What this also means is that almost every single ride ends with a navigation back towards the west.  Which isn't a big deal unless you come up against a day like today with VERY strong winds almost directly out of the west.

The ride went sorta OK except for that bit of rudeness at the end.

TOPWLH remarked that it seemed like a really nice day until she went outside.  What she meant is that it was a pretty day from inside where there is heat but it was windy and cold once you got outside the house.

It was really hard.  It was really hard.

I did get "nice biked" by a young fellow standing out at the curb of what I assume was his house where he was doing repairs to his mailbox post.  Repairs to your mailbox post is something a lot of us have to do after every winter.  As I came riding towards him he looked up and remarked that "it's finally dry".  I agreed and as I rode by I noticed the direction of his gaze turned from me towards the downtube of my bicycle.  Where it says LOOK.  I was about to get away when he called after me, "Nice bike".  It IS a nice bike but it is always a little bit of fun when someone else notices.

I didn't get a picture until I was within about a tenth of a mile of the end of the ride.
Last fall when we got the big new tree I thought we were pretty dang cool for having three different color flags in our front yard. Neighbors across the street and a few doors down have totally blown our puny display out of the water.

The blue is the water, the same as ours.  They also have red for electricity.  Our electricity comes in on the back side of the house and above ground, no red flags for us.  The yellow is gas, again the same as ours.  We had more yellow than they do but that's a pretty hollow victory considering that they also have orange which is the cable.  Our cable comes in on the back side of the house and above ground.  Then they have a single white flag sitting out there in the middle of the electricity.

There's something happening over there but what it is ain't exactly clear*, at least to me.

*lyrics from a Buffalo Springfield song of I think 1967 but I am not sure as paranoia strikes deep.


Santini said...

And the obvious "Everybody LOOK what's goin' down."

Ruthless is a good word for that last leg into the strong wind.

Santini said...

I need to read more closely. Rudeness is also a good descriptor. Ruthless seems to fit my mind set better in those conditions, though. It seems like a battle with an unrelenting foe.