Monday, December 2, 2013

December Q&A

The relevant question seems likely to be how is my shoveling fitness?
The somewhat evasive answer is that I paused halfway through this quite smallish job declaring a photo opportunity.

In my defense there isn't much but what there is is most definitely extremely heavy heart attack snow.

Fancy camera, no flash mode.


Santini said...

Where's your snow blower? If you lost it, or it's broken, I'm pretty sure your dafter can recommend a pretty good replacement.

Emily M said...

Santini - Haha! I was just going to make a snowblower related comment. And I know for a fact that he still has one in his garage, in working condition. Otherwise he would have been in line before Brad to get one.

Nice job on the shoveling, btw.

TOPWLH said...

Nice job on the driveway. I thought it had just all melted off (it was a long day).