Monday, December 16, 2013

Survivor of the flood

When the power went out and the back up from the sump pump came above the level of the basement floor we tried to rescue a few things, knowing full well that it would only be a few things.

The bicycles and the big box containing the Christmas tree took up most of the available space on the floor immediately above the flood.

I did this last year as an homage to Christmas bush. This year it is an homage to one of the very few things we had in the basement last year at this time that we still have.
I should have tried to include the Clapper in that one but too late now.
At this point TOPWLH swings into high gear.
Oh, Christmas bush
Oh, Christmas bush
How lovely are thy branches.
So we are now officially ready for TCWUTH to show up and assist TOPWLH with the final decorative touches.

And assist with the delivery of the chocolate covered cherries.


TOPWLH said...


Santini said...

Very nice. I look forward to the Nativity scene, myself.

Emily M said...

Most excellent. I'll be over on Saturday to help put on the finishing touches.

And set up the Nativity Scene, of course. :-)

TOPWLH said...
