Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Basement season

Just a reminder that this is NOT a Jimmy Fallon fan blog, this is a bicycle blog.  Flurries again today with the promise of end of the week really really cold moved a couple of bicycles out of the garage and into the basement.

Here's what the bicycle corner of the basement looks like this afternoon.
For those keeping score there are still three bicycles out in the garage.


Santini said...

Bicycle content! I love it.

Okay, I can name Old Look and New Look and the Crown Jewel and the Bianchi. In the garage is Barbara's Bianchi, your guest bike, and one other. Six out of seven isn't bad.

I only have four in my "basement" at this point, and none in my garage. (Yesterday's fat tire bike on the beach was a rental.)

You win.

Gino said...

46,090 miles ridden on those four bicycles.

Santini said...

46,090 is a really really big number. Kudos.