Friday, December 6, 2013

Brrrrrrrrr-icycle content

But even colder tomorrow apparently.  Predicted high for tomorrow has a minus in front of it.  Of course, that is minus F, today's high was about -15C.

It was so cold that I didn't go out at all (except for bread) and so didn't notice the UPS package delivery until on a whim I checked the tracking information in the shipping confirmation e-mail.  It said 3:08pm at the front door.  I looked.  Brrrrrr.  But the package was indeed there.

It is bicycle content and at least a story.
I get my tires on line at a vendor which provides free shipping and a point system which provides me 10 percent of what I paid for these tires discounted off my next order.  I typically get a bit under 2,000 miles on a set of tires.  I ride more miles than that MOST years so I typically need four new tires per season.

On Black Friday I received an e-mail notification of sale from my preferred vendor.  My preferred tires usual MSRP $75 at $48.  I ordered four.

On Cyber Monday I received another e-mail notification of sale.  Same tires, now $37.  I e-mailed them and asked if this was fair and they responded with a $45 credit to my previous purchase.

Four for the price of two, plus 10 percent credit on my next purchase.

Too cold today for any actual bicycling.


Santini said...

Michelin makes a nice tire. And who doesn't like a good bargain?

It never occurred to me that icicle was a part of bicycle. Nice word play.

Dang, it's cold where you live.

Jimi said...

Good deal. You've got to watch those internet sales.

It's going to be a cold weekend.

TOPWLH said...

My friend Pat would be proud of you. Fair is fair.

Emily M said...

Nice tires, and very savvy shopping!

Cold enough for you today?